Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Amateur vs. Professional - Maya Deren

This lovely excerpt from Maya Deren encourages the youth to embrace the saying “less is more” when it comes to making films. While some young filmmakers see the lack of experience and modes of production as hindrances to their success, others see this as an endless creative outlet to create something completely new and unique. The French New Wave writers and directors had minimal equipment, non-professional actors and no funds. But they never saw it that way. Instead they saw a swift and mobile camera for tracking shots, fresh young talent that would perfectly fit the roles of modern youth of their time and little need to return on investment since it was all self-funded because this was truly art for them and not a business model. What did they produce? Some of the most iconic movies that would inspire filmmakers around the world. The most genuine and unique art is created from sheer personal will; popular opinion must be thrown out the window in order to create something that is truly yours. 

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